1 min readMay 5, 2020


Flattening the Curve

It seems in these days many people are graciously making and donating face masks for other people. It’s a very nice gesture in these unprecedented times. My wife saw on Facebook that someone was going to be leaving face masks at our small local post office.

When we went up to check the mail she reminded me to look for them inside the lobby. I walked in and looked around and shrugged my shoulders gesturing that there were none to be found.

But when I walked out I noticed a box just outside the door with what looked like some very large face masks were indeed left. Lucky us.

There appeared to be two white face masks left, and they looked kind of thick like they had a lot of filtration. Immediately, I thought they were kind of large. Like large enough covering to cover my entire face, large. Oh well, I thought, that makes them even safer AND free.

I pointed to them while looking at my wife, and she said, “Grab them, let’s go.“ It looked like they had elastic straps on them and everything. They looked new and clean, so I picked one up and put it on my face to show her.

As I put it on my face I realized what it really was.

A well-endowed woman has evidently donated a plus, plus-size bra there. Flattening the curve just took on an entirely new meaning.

